Preschool Plates


Preschool Plates is a cohort study which seeks to use innovative mixed-methods to understand how the use of specific food parenting practices varies across time and context, and how various food parenting approaches impact children’s dietary intake over the long term. A longitudinal study with 240 parent-child pairs will be conducted with data collection via state-of-the-art measures, including surveys, ecological momentary assessment (EMA) and interview-led 24-hour diet recalls, every 6 months for two years. The study represents a significant and necessary next step to inform the development of randomized-controlled trials to test the effectiveness of clinic-based recommendations and public health interventions that account for- and are responsive to- daily challenges found to influence parent’s use of specific food parenting practices. 

This project is funded by the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute for Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) - HD110397.

Principal Investigator

Katie Loth, PhD, MPH, RD


Jayne Fulkerson, PhD

Julian Wolfson, PhD

Jennifer Fisher, PhD (Temple University)

Study Team

Natalie Hogan, MPH, RD, LD
Project Coordinator

James Brandt
Lead Data Collector

Anna Funderburgh
Research Assistant

Estefania Henriquez Luthje, MD
Research Assistant

Kaylin Nesbitt
Research Assistant